1) Dr. Rathindranath Dutta is the CHAIRMAN, Post Graduate Academic Council of IPGME&R- since May 4, 2004 till retirement.
2) Chairman / Coordinator of 9 WORKSHOPS organized in IPGMER and SSKM Hospital.
3) With his initiative he has introduced 5 MD (Dermatology) seats in IPGMER, Kolkata.
4) Prof R.N.Dutta is a POSTGRADUATE EXAMINER of Calcutta University, RIMS (Ranchi), Patna University, Gauhati University, Dibrugarh University, RIMS Imphal. Cuttack University, Utkal University.
First to conduct Dermatosurgery workshop in Eastern India. Since 2006, regularly conducting the “Eastern India workshop of Dermatosurgery and Cosmetic Dermatology” at IPGMER AND SSKM HOSPITAL to train dermatologists of the eastern states of our country.
He has conducted many workshop as Chairman and Principal Coordinator, viz;
- “Workshop on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS”, in collaboration with Dept. of Science and Technology Govt. of West Bengal.
- “Workshop on HIV & AIDS” in collaboration with WBSAPCS Govt. of WB.
- “Workshop on WORLD WITHOUT LEPROSY” As Vice Chairperson and Chairperson Scientific Committee, with GRECALTES where His Excellency the Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal Shri. Gopal Krishna Gandhi was the Chief Guest.
1. Past Associate Editor- INDIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL,
3. Past Guest Editor – YOUR HEALTH,
4. Past Associate editor, JOURNAL of IASSTTD and AIDS
5. Present adviser to Editorial Board, JOURNAL of IASSTTD and AIDS,
He is a Member, PANEL OF EXPERT FOR DERMATOLOGY for Drug controller General (1), DDHS, NEW DELHI, since 1999.
Also the SUBJECT EXPERT & CONSULTANT for UGC Country wide Class room Television Program by (EMRC), Kolkata, since 2000
Prof. R.N.Dutta was the COORDINATOR, COURSE COMMITTEE- Calcutta University for Dermatology 2002-2003, Was then MEMBER of THE EXPERT COMMITTEE-IN MEDICINE AND ALLIED SUBJECTS, CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY, Later, the CONVENER, BOARD of STUDIES of West Bengal University of Health Sciences, till 2009
PAPER PUBLISHED in many leading non dermatology international Journals like ;
- TOXICOLOGY 208(2005)185-169
Past National Vice President of IADVL
Elected President of IASSTD & AIDS.
Present National Treasurer of IAL
President Elect Nnational of Indian Association for the study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases & Aids (IASSTO & AIDS).
Hony. General Secretary (National) of Indian Association of Leprosy (IAL).
Chairperson & President of Eastern India Workshop of Dermatosurgery & Cosmetic Dermatology (EIWDC).
President of “Service Organization Towards Upliftment of living” (SOUL).
Past State President (W.B.) of Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL).
Past National Vice President of Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists & Leprologistsv (IADVL ).
Past Professor & Head , dermatology, of Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research & SSKM, P.G. Hospital, Kolkata (IPGMER)
Past Professor & Head, dermatology, of North Bengal Medical College and Hospital.
Past HOD, dermatology, of Calcutta National Medical College
Past President of Calcutta National Medical College Alumni Association
He was the Chairman Scientific committee of (ASTICON-2005), Member of scientific Committees SOUTH ASIAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF DERMATOLOGY -1999 and NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF IADV&L-1999.
GUEST SPEAKER in many National and Regional Conferences, and RESOURCE PERSON in many Workshops.
Participated in MANY INTERNATIONAL / WORLD CONFERENCES WORLD LEPROSY CONGRESS VIZ; Delhi in 1984, in NETHERLANDS IN 1988; Asian Dermatological Association Conferences in Singapore in 1989, Hongkong in 1991; WCD in Beijing 2004, WCD in Argentina 2007, EADV in Greece 2006, EADV in Paris 2008 and WCD Scoul South Korea.
He Passed Senior Cambridge from Loyola School, Jamshedpur, M.B.B.S from Calcutta National Medical College and MD from Patna Medical College.
• Hobbies: Travelling , Photography, Writing.